"That in whom reside all beings and who resides in all beings, who is the giver of grace to all, the Supreme Soul of the universe, the limitless being --I am That." Amritbindu Upanishad

I did two trainings with the Yogayantra school and can not recommend it enough because of its high quality and the amount of knowledge that the teacher has passed to students. She takes responsibility and justice to her teaching and also never stops inspire students to practice and to spread the art of yoga. All in all, I am one of the many lucky students to have met and studied with Dominique. I highly recommend the school to everyone whom wants to learn and deepen knowledge of vinyasa and yoga in general. N.T. (200 Nha Trang Nov 14 & 300 Rishikesh Jan 2015)

Firstly thank you so much for helping me to get stronger, you are one of the best teachers that I have encountered. Missing your classes already.  Will constantly update you on my progress. H.S. Rishikesh 300 hours, Dec 14-Jan 15

Después de haber comenzado mi ttc contigo, un mundo se ha abierto en mi práctica personal. Ha sido lejos una de las mejores cosas que me ha pasado y por eso te agradezco mucho. P.A. Santiago de Chile, 2014.08.15

Aloha Dominique! I hope your doing well I never got a chance to say thank you so much for everything. Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge, for being strict with us, and thank you for giving me the tools to navigate this crazy world. You are truly one of the most inspiring persons I have ever met. K.R

Hoy fui a un centro de Yoga en Nueva York, USA...supuestamente muy bueno, especializado en Vinyasa y esto fue lo que viví:
Una práctica de yoga básica, no inteligente, con cero desarrollo de Krama, sin ninguna postura de fortalecimiento de tren superior, sin inversiones "solares", con pocas preparaciones de arcos de espalda y ninguna torsión, ni arco completo...cero posturas sentadas, y savasana con música!!!! 
Para mi, son errores básicos en la práctica que he aprendido de 
Yogayantra Dominique Renucci y que me han servido en cada práctica personal y clase que yo hago. GRACIAS DOMINIQUE por entregarte en lo que haces y por enseñar con tanta claridad y generosidad!!! En Chile contigo estamos teniendo las mejores clases!!! 28 November 2013

A mi hacer la formación con la Domi fue de las mejores cosas que me ha pasado en la vida. Al principio no estaga segura con quien hacer algo tan importante como una formación de yoga. Principalmente por que ya había hecho una que en sintesis fue pobre y lejos de mi estilo de yoga. Pero me informe de la experiencia y trayectoria de la Domi, y mi intuición y destino dieron el Si, y me inscribí.

Supeoó por lejos mis expectativas y aprendí la base de la que ahora construye mi vida. Hacer una de las bases de mi camino como instructor de yoga con ella, es lo que me permite hoy enseñar, practicar y vivir el yoga con profundidad, compromiso, y humilidad, entendiendo que no se construye de la noche a la mañana y que nunca se termina de construir. Hoy en día me siento segura y capaz de vivir y transmitir todo lo que ahi aprendí en cada una de mis clases y prácticas personales. Además al ser una certificación avalada internacionalmente es la herramienta que me sirvió al momento de venirme a vivir a Nueva Zelanda… un lugar dentro de la comunidad local de yoga. Hoy en día en Auckland, NZ, gracias a eso y al flow del universo doy 10 clases a la semana en distintos centros y principales gimnasios de la ciudad, con humildad y devoción por la práctica diaria y la formación que tuve de base. Buena suerte para todos, ojala les sirva de motivación. Ser un real profesor de yoga se construye día a día después de miliones y miliones de práticas con mucho esfuerzo donde uno nunca termina de aprender y donde lo mas tangible que uno tien para afirmarse es tener o haber tenido un buen profesor como Dominique. Namaste. C.M. Auckland (ttc chile) Nov 2013

Dominique tiene demasiada experiencia y el nivel de intensidad en la práctica y en la enseñanza hace que esta certificación sea muy especial y realmente vale la pena... Con Dominique definitivamente es un salto adelante... Esa ha sido la experiencia a nivel mundial de la inmensa cantidad de alumnos que ella ha certificado y es por eso su reconocimiento a nivel mundial. F.B. Santiago, Sept 2013

I've opened my own studio here in my home. I just wanted to thank you because you guidance and teachings are what I'm sending to my students and I just feel so lucky to have had you as a teacher. I would really love to do another teacher training with you. Thank you again. S.L. Santiago de Chile

Thank you so much Dominique. All photos are my unforgetable and experienced memories, including a great teacher, many lovely friends and those hard working days hihihi. I always remember you said : "When u want to do something,JUST DO IT . If u think u can do,U CAN DO IT". Miss you Dominique and lovely guys!!!!! P.A.B, Nha Trang TTC, June 2013

A million thanks for you Dominique !You are a great teacher ..unortodox too. !!!! Yes the course was intense in many ways.. hard on my body at times.. but we learned a hell of a lot ! I had a great experience learning so many facinating aspects of yoga practice, the indian history , the philosophy, breathing and more. You brought to the course a new dimension that may be if it had been  another teacher would not have been. 

You have your very unique ways.!!!!!! . that for me made the whole difference ..I have a new understànding and appreciation of my body, its complexity and also a new outlook on life itself … F.D. Nha Trang TTC, June 2013.

I want to thank you for who you are and your enthusiastic teaching … The course is hard but I like it and I like your opinions of teaching method. After this course, I’ll try to put what I’ve learned into practice more and more and try to ‘bring my personality on the mat’ (I like this statement). Once again thank you for all! Your student P.T.C Hanoi, Nov. 2012

     I am sitting in a cafe preparing for my class and having my first coffee since the course began and I just realized how much I have learned from you and it became clear that I will never be able to teach the way I did before… Thank you for your lecture on Ahimsa. It was one of the most profound lessons… I am proud to be your student… I had watched this clip a while ago … and it certainly reminded me the most significant modification you did with Surya Namaskar B. What I have learned from you is immense and has influenced many aspects of my teaching and practice. Thank you again! TTK, TTC Shanghai, Sept. 2012

Todavia proceso el curso fue transformador, soy una mujer mas grande despues de eso, todas las cosas empezaron a moverse en perfecta sincronia, hay mucho que todavia se esta revelando. Gracias por cruzarte en mi camino, admiro tu fuerza y voluntad, muy inspirador, Gracias. C.M.R. Santiago de Chile, May 2012

Thank you to you for your time and efforts. I left without saying a 'proper' goodbye because you were no longer in the hotel, however in my mind that just confirms that it isn't a goodbye and that we will be seeing each other again at some later date. Thank you for the work and the passion of work that you put into each TTC. I knew coming in that I would receive loads of new information and I was not disappointed. I appreciate you and your time, ...Suerte & Enjoy,  G.S. Canada, 300-hour TTC Rishikesh 2012

Thank you. In the 1st week of your 300-hour TTC, I’ve learned more than in the whole 200-hour one I attended in Thailand… A huge ‘thank you’ for the TTC. I feel lucky and grateful that I could join it. Thank you for your energy, your presence et all this knowledge that you know how to share. I’ve learnt a lot. Sarva Mangalam! P.R. Switzerland

I decided to write you to say thank you for sharing great yoga knowledge with us, teaching and patiently correcting our postures. After TTC 200 coming back to my home I feel myself more flexible and stronger, I have lot of energy. It’s fantastic! I was very surprised and wondered, because when I again did Hand stand I could do it easily, also I’m not far from doing astavakrasana J Thank you very much and Good luck! Nadya 200 hr TTC Rishikesh

你好杜老师,非常感谢你这段时间的付出。也很感谢我们的翻译小朱老师。我很喜欢你的课程,不论是理论课还是体位课,我们在轻松又快乐的氛围里学习。我感到自己是如此的荣幸。再次谢谢你老师!。。。TM Shenzhen Sept. 2011

今天下午,我就在 Yoga Studio,我们平时上课的教室,教了我人生中的第一节vinyasa,那感觉很熟悉,仿佛你就在我们的身边,这节课有8个学员来上课,其中的4位是我们TTC的同学我是完全按照你的教学方法去教的.

他们4位都练习得很开心,那是当然的,因为我们都喜欢你的这种教学风格,没想到的是,另外4个学生并没有很好的基础,但他们也很喜欢这样上课,我让他们做"半手倒立",他们说:"重来没倒立过",他们开始很害怕,我问他们能否做到"chaturanga dandasana",她说"可以",我就对她说"那你能做到,他们开始不敢把脚放到墙上,我用你教的方法,用腿顶着她的后背,让她上去,后来他们自己能做了,也很开心,他们都练习得很快乐,我们都太喜欢这种练习方法,这种练习方法,让我们充满了力量.可惜只有60分钟的课,他们都感觉练得不够时间一个月的天天见面,现在才分开两天,就非常的想念你了,刚才看到你的邮件,我又哭了,真的很感动,遇到你这么好的老师,很期待再见到你,很想再上你的课. Shenzhen Sept. 2011

     I'd like to thank you again for your marvellous instructions. I'm deeply impressed by the materials you teach and the way you teach them. While so many people nowadays teach yoga as a fashion, you teach yoga as a truth. You really taught me a lot, although I'm not a yoga student. Your teachings will always be a treasure in my life practice. ZXC Shenzhen, Sept 2011

You're a really great teacher and I'm grateful that I've been able to study under and practice with you over the past year and a half. You're a great friend as well... R.W Shanghai, March 2011

I discover yoga 7 years ago, to understand better what is Yoga about and what is really beyond, was from the 200ttc I took with my favorite yoga teacher Dominique Renucci on year 2007. Although I took a 500ttc later on with another famous school, and met a lot of great yoga teachers later on my yoga journey but no one could give the same impression as Dominique for Yoga.
Yoga becomes part of my life now, the juicy and benefits I had with daily practice changed my physical condition as well as mental. What is really inspiring my self practice and teaching methodology is the 200TTC with Dominique. An immense treasury of knowledge and experiences I received and learned from her continual guide me on the yoga path. Jacquie H. Shanghai/Paris

The knowledge and inspiration you have given me will never fade. You have changed me in ways that are continually revealing themselves. Thanks for all your emotional support last week. M.T. Nepal Oct. 2010

… You have encouraged me to reach new heights, and I was truly touched by your presence at this teacher training in Nepal… Your dedication is inspiring… K.S. Nepal Oct. 2010

I loved your classes and taking treks with you. I wish I had more time getting to know you. T.F. Nepal Oct. 2010

You have a unique teaching style, that’s for sure! I must say that each and every single asana class was a different and new experience for me and I think you shared a monumental gift with wonderfully eternal qualities —knowledge. One this I’ll keep with me forever: “Do eet! Do eet!” Giving the class encouragement… Thank you for the loving pushes. L.L. Nepal Oct.2010

I want to thank you very sincerely for sharing with us your experience, energy, passion and stories last weeks… very grateful to have received such generous gifts. A.A. Nepal Oct. 2010

I have learned so much from you over the past 4 weeks. I feel I’ve know you much longer! Thank you for believing that I could open my hamstrings. B.C. Nepal Oct. 2010

Thank you for all your hard work and for all the wonderful times! You are an inspiration to me & to so many others. Thank you for being yourself, you are a tough cookie & I can only hope to one day be as graceful, honest, and as sexy in hanumanasana as you are... G.S. Nepal Oct. 2010

I cannot believe my good fortune for having spent the last 4 weeks ??? up your offering of knowledge, support and encouragement. Thank you for your generosity, I am so excited to share the things that you have taught me and to hopefully change some lives like you have enriched mine!! I will also remember our adventures on weekends. But most of all, I will know to just “DO IT!” D.K Nepal Oct. 2010

Para mi, eres mi maestra!... he tomado clases con muchos, pero de ti, siento que he aprendido lo mejor del yoga y trato de transmitírselo a mis alumnos... espero tenerte luego en Chile. M-F. B. Shanghai Dec. 2008

Words cannot express how blessed I feel to have had the opportunity to learn from you. You are truly inspiring. B.M, Nepal Oct 2010

You are truly amazing, inspiring, fun, creative, flexible-ha, ha person. I feel so blessed to have been able to learn from you these past four weeks. Some people you meet in life leave an impression on you forever —you are that to me… J.P. Nepal Oct 2010

It was such an honour and a priviledge to have met you, even more so being one of your students. I can’t tell you enough how much I enjoyed your asanas and your lectures… I hope to be such an inspiration to others as you have been to me… And because of you I will never be afraid to try new experiences. “Do it.” G.D. Nepal Oct 2010

... I hope you enjoyed teaching us. (I did enjoy teaching this beautiful group of people who did not know each other at the beginning of the course, but became so united in the end) July 2010 Hanoi, Vietnam

Thanks for your inspirational leadership. I am brimming with new knowledge and an energetic enthusiasm for life. Your teaching will have a life long positive impact... TLJ, July 2010 Hanoi, Vietnam

Thank you. I'm glad that I had this great opportunity to deepen my knowledge in every aspect of Yoga. This course gave me actually an idea what to do in my future. Thanks for being our teacher and mentor... YH, July 2010 Hanoi, Vietnam

You are my first and great teacher. I've learnt a lot from this course, not only yoga but also the way to face with challendes. It's my luch to decide to take this course. Send my love to your cats. TNT. July 2010, Hanoi, Vietnam

I'm grateful that I finally got to study and practice with you. thanks for all the energy you put into our course and for all the information on nutrition ande health you brought in with you. I'm sure I'll see you again sometime soon. Looking forward to it... RW, July 2010 Hanoi, Vietnam

Thanks for believing in me too. Your teaching was clear and straight to the point, and I could use everything to help others now.

Thank you so much, Dominique. I was quite new to yoga (or even daily physical exercise), .... 

Thank you for sharing your experience... I like it when I can tell my students that my hamstrings were like theirs when I started practicing yoga 2 months ago, and when they saw the improvement in my body, it gives them hope. It's like a sinner converted. When a saint preaches, it's less convincing, naturally.

I think that I trusted to take the course with you because in your website you said that you had all those broken bones and still could get your body back. I liked it, that you knew what it’s like to have had injuries. I could trust that you'd know how to work with a not-so-perfect body... It might sound funny but it is true I couldn't trust someone who wouldn't know what it is to have had injuries and pain. Peace and Love, Noi. August 2009
I am getting back into yoga after foot surgery, and I find myself referencing your techniques quite often. I just wanted to email you and let you know how meaningful all your lessons were and how much they stick with me... K Apr 2009

Thank you so much for your great lessons. You are by far the best yoga teacher I have had. Pls let us know when you go to Dubai...V.I. D Dubai, Nov 2008

I feel that I have been really lucky in being initiated to yoga by you. I felt inspired and supported from the person and the teacher. R.N. from Italy, Dec 2007

You are an amazing yoga teacher & I am very happy that I met you in Shanghai. K.P. from Canada, April 2008 in Shanghai

亲爱的老师; 你好!很抱歉我前面没看懂你的信.你想知道我们在你的TTC里学到些什么是吗?

在这是借用一句你曾?shy;在课堂上说过的话:你学到的瑜伽知识不是你个人的,它是属于全人类的,你必需将你所学到的都奉献出去.我知道你是这样做的,我想我也会!再一次感谢你!Namaste! G.H.H. Shanghai TTC March-May 2007

This course has totally changed my view of the outer and inner worlds. Not ot mention it has rewarded me so much physically. The moment I finished the course was my first step to my pursuit of a spiritual path, which will be life-long. I always feel I owe sincere gratitude to my beloved master Dominique. I think the best way can be a never ending practice, both physically and spiritually. J. L. TTC Shanghai, 2006

非常荣幸参加了这次的yttc培训,让我有机会成为老师的学生。我非常爱我的老师,不仅是她有着渊博的知识,更是因为她有高尚的人格。期间老师将她三十多年来积累的宝贵?shy; 毫无保留的传授给我们,让我更清晰的认识了瑜伽这门科学,并帮助我建立了今后在瑜伽方面继续学习的方向。老师在教学上严谨认真,同是又鼓励我们突破和创 造。从老师身上我不仅学到了瑜伽的哲学知识,精确的体位要领,还学到了做为一位瑜伽老师应改如何去面对自己的学生。所有课程的安排非常合理而且有趣,以至 于让我不舍得毕业的日子到来。跟这么好的老师学习200小时,我觉得远远不够,有机会我还会再参加老师的培训,我也想告诉大家:不要错过跟这么好的老师学习的机会,这是可遇不可求的!再次感谢我的老师!NLJ, TTC Shanghai, 2006

Hi Dominique, Arrived safely in UK this morning. Thank you for making my holiday very special, for your warmth, beautiful spirit and wisdom. I miss you all. Anil J. January 2005 retreat in Siem Reap

I feel quite different in my outlook on yoga now than when I left. I really enjoyed the integration of asana, pranayama and meditation in the retreat. I have not had such a complete presentation of yoga before, and I feel much richer for it. My practice has totally changed since the retreatmy body has opened in ways it never has before: Im discovering new ways to do many poses that use muscles that feel as though they have never been used. My old tight spots?shy; are ripe for opening. Also, I feel my teaching has improved, and I know E. and P. feel the same. We all gained a lot from the course. Isabelle S. Siem Reap January 2005

I really enjoyed the workshop, thanks for all your hard work! Joel M. Siem Reap January 2005.

I do miss you and your way of teaching Yoga. I was really inspired by your teaching style. It's really sad to hear that you will be leaving BKK. I am now in Taipei and will be back to BKK next week. Wish that I can grasp the last opportunity of learning Yoga from you." Leon C.

Thank you I really enjoyed your classes and meeting you! Makima B.

Thank you for an inspiring encounter and for sharing your talent, experience and knowledge. Your teaching is a gift. Sue P.

Basically she lives and breathes yoga. Rachael M.

Thank you for an inspiring encounter and for sharing your talent, experience and knowledge. Your teaching is a gift. Sue P.

Published in October 2004 in Cross-Culture magazine.
“Dominique has been living in Asia for years, combining her 2 passions: travel and yoga. Thirty three years ago, she flew over a car in a motorcycle accident, leading to years of paralysis, pain and medical treatments. Today, at 52, a mother of 2 and grandmother of 4, she has the muscle tone and the strength of a woman half her age. Take a yoga class from her, and you quickly realise her class is not about relaxation and chanting. It's about conditioning muscles through hard, sweaty work.

It all started in 1991, when Dominique took a holiday to Nepal. “In the taxi between the airport and the city-center, something happened inside of me. I knew I was going to leave all I had, and change my life in an absolute way,” says Dominique. “It was not something like a flash, it was a deep and quiet feeling.” “At the end of my holiday, I went back to France, resigned, and told everyone –husband, and children- that I was no longer going to stay in France. I planned to leave everything. Only my children believed me.”

Dominique travelled to Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Nepal, India, Pakistan, China, Mongolia, Myanmar, Cambodia, and lived in some of these countries. “I lived on my savings for a while, with the lowest budget in the world, indifferent to comfort. You get used to it. You learn how to relax in packed Indian buses on bumpy roads. You learn to ignore the uproar in the streets, in guesthouses. You learn to drink any water without being sick. You learn to spend days without being able to wash, resisting the temptation to scratch. Your body accepts more and more things. Then life becomes living spirituality, and instead of meditating on a cushion, you meditate everywhere.”

Dominique had practiced yoga on and off for 16 years. It was in India that yoga became an integral part of her life. She attended both traditional and teacher-intensive retreats. “I was soon able to keep the discipline and practice wherever I was, from guesthouses to dormitories for backpackers.” Again and again, Dominique returned to Nepal to renew her India visa. “What I got in India was the spiritual life: it’s omnipresent like nowhere else in the world. But for the teaching skills, the precision of the postures, the anatomy studies, there is nothing like the Western schools.”

Dominique currently teaches in Shanghai. “It’s only when I got to Asia by chance that it all became clear. I know now that I can’t settle for long. I can’t work in an office; I can’t have a family life. I’m a nomadic yoga teacher, that’s all.”

Dominique is a yoga teacher, she is also a woman with husbands, children, homes, jobs. Her path is sometimes littered with loneliness, mishap and illness. She uncovered a force within beyond postures, beyond travel, to self-awareness, spirituality, and life-purpose. She reminds us of all the possibilities –to pursue our dreams, our desires, our hopes.”
By Shurna Robbins, a freelance writer.

The highlight of our trip to Thailand was yourself and your knowledge. We really appreciate everything you have done for us. Your instruction and motivation has been a highlight for us at ... We hope to be able to learn from you some time again. Donna & Tim L.

I really enjoy your class very much. I have gained so much from your class and begin to like yoga now. With your departure from Thailand, it is a sad news. But, I pray that maybe one day soon you will return to Bangkok and set up your own Yoga school. And you can surely count on me as one of your faithful student. Eugene S.

I and David continue to practice pranayama and appreciate very much what we learnt from you in?shy; and from your emails. We... look forward to meeting you again. Freeda & David A.

I do miss you and your way of teaching Yoga. I was really inspired by your teaching style. It's really sad to hear that you will be leaving BKK. I am now in Taipei and will be back to BKK next week. Wish that I can grasp the last opportunity of learning Yoga from you. Leon C. Taiwan

Thank you very much for a wonderful yoga-experience! For us beginners, your lessons gave an extra kick and motivation to continue our efforts. Already those few days gave, according to our feeling, great results. Lena O. Moskow.

Thank you I really enjoyed your classes and meeting you! Makima B. Portugal

Dominique 500E-ERYT,;  
       Skype's name: yogayantra

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